Advanced Backup Rules window is for
experienced users to set backup rules.
The window contains three sections: 1)
control buttons on the upper right
corner; 2) rule table at the upper left
part; 3) rule details pane.
1) Control Buttons
New Rule button |
Create a new backup rule. You
can edit the details in the Rule
Details pane and click the Save
Rule button to save a rule.
Save Rule button |
Save change of a rule. |
Delete button |
Delete selected rule in the rule
table. |
Move Up button |
Move the selected rule one
position up in the rule table. |
Move Down button |
Move the selected rule one
position down in the rule table. |
2) Rule Table
The rule table has seven
columns: Rule Name, Enabled, Locked on
Top, Control, Type, Filter, and File. A
rule has higher priority that those
below it. You can use the Move Up and
Move Down buttons to change the position
of a rule. Clock on a rule to view
Rule Name |
Name of a backup rule.
Enabled |
Check this box to enable a
backup rule. |
Locked on Top |
Lock a rule to the top portion
of the table. New rule is
automatically put below all the
locked rules and above all other
unlocked rules. A rule has
higher priority that those below
it. You can use the Move Up and
Move Down buttons to change the
position of a rule. The "Scan
computer for new files" task of
the backup process uses the
backup rules to update the
backup set. When a file scanned,
it is processed using using
backup rules starting from the
top of the table. If a file is
explicitly included or excluded
in a rule, the rules below are
ignored. |
Control |
Indicate whether a rule is set
by user or system. A system rule
is not editable. |
Type |
Indicate whether a rule is a
inclusion rule or exclusion
rule. |
Filter |
Filter description. Details of
filters are shown in the filter
section of the rule details
pane. |
File |
Files or folders that are
affected by the rule. |
3) Rule Details Pane
The rule details pane
shows the details of a backup rule. You
can edit the details of user rules.
Name |
Name of a backup rule. |
Rule Type |
Specify whether the rule is for
including or excluding files. |
Filter |
There are three filters.
- File Name filter
The File Name filter
includes or excluded a file
by checking whether the file
name meets the specified
- File Size filter:
The File Size filter
includes or excluded a file
by checking file size.
- File Modified Date
The File Modified Date
filter includes or excluded
a file by checking file
modified date.
If one or more filters are
selected, a file is explicitly
included or excluded only if it
meets the conditions of the
selected filter(s). If no filter
is selected, a file is included
or excluded based on the rule
type. |
Apply to File(s) |
You can choose to apply the rule
to all files or to the specified
files. When you choose to apply
to specified files, you can
select whether to apply the rule
to all the sub-folders. Use the
Add the Remove buttons to add
and remove files. |